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SpaceAble participated in the Innovation Day organized by CNES ! - 31/01/2023

On Tuesday, January 31st, SpaceAble took part in the CNES Innovation Day held at the Pierre Baudis Congress Center in Toulouse. During the event, we contributed to discussions about the latest technological advancements in space surveillance and presented SpaceAble's contribution to safeguarding the Low Earth Orbit.

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Julien Cantegreil guest of the Tech & Co show on BFM Business - 16/11/2022

Watch the replay of Julien Cantegreil, founder and CEO of SpaceAble, invited on the Tech & Co's show to discuss the issue of space risk management.

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SpaceAble is among the laureates of the first cohort of the DeepNum20 program by French Tech! - 27/10/2022

French Tech has selected SpaceAble as one of the 22 companies for the inaugural cohort of the DeepNum20 program. The program's aim is to foster the growth of French technology leaders in the digital, electronics, and robotics sectors.

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The Oukaimeden Astronomical Observatory and the French startup SpaceAble are collaborating to improve space surveillance - 16/10/2022

After signing a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2022 to observe near space, the Oukaimeden Astronomical Observatory (OUCA) and French startup SpaceAble are strengthening their partnership by pursuing a research thesis, installing SpaceAble's observation capabilities at the Oukaimeden Observatory, and collaborating on Space Situational Awareness (SSA) analysis.

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Julien Cantegreil, Keynote of the session « Réussir le NewSpace ensemble » at the 2022 "Assises du NewSpace" conference - 01/07/2022

At the New Space Conference organized by CNES, SpaceAble participated alongside other stakeholders from the space, digital, and innovation sectors to discuss the challenges facing the French NewSpace industry.

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How risk management and data can enable innovation l AXA XL/SPACEABLE - 06/22/2021

Satellite launches into low Earth orbit are rocketing. While this is exciting for innovation it increases space risks. Denis BOUSQUET, Global Chief Technical Officer for space insurance at AXA XL, and Julien Cantegreil, CEO of space situational awareness start-up SpaceAble, discuss how data can help us to not only better understand these risks but improve space sustainability.

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Nouvelles Applications Spatiales |Agence Nationale des Fréquences Workshop - 06/03/2021

SpaceAble décrit son projet innovant - mettre en œuvre des outils pour contrôler et réduire la pollution de l’espace - ainsi que les problématiques fréquences / orbites auxquelles elle est confrontées et l’aide que l’ANFR a pu apporter dans la réalisation de ce projet.

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Comment assurer l'espace ? Interview de Julien Cantegreil|BSMART TV - 05/11/2021

La startup française SpaceAble spécialisée dans la prévention des risques spatiaux vient de signer un partenariat avec AXA XL. Cette filiale d’AXA spécialisée dans l’assurance des grands risques en IARD et la réassurance, compte sur son nouveau partenaire pour l’aider à améliorer ses solutions pour les opérateurs de satellites.

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La nouvelle invention du Centre spatial universitaire de Grenoble va être envoyée dans l'espace/Collaboration SpaceAble - 05/05/2021

SpaceAble collabore avec avec l’Université de la Polynésie française et l’Institut polaire français, ainsi qu’avec les entreprises privées Air Liquide, Gorgy Timing et Galathea pour envoyer "ThingSat" à bord d'une fusée SpaceX. 

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SpaceAble ranked among top 20 Space Startups in 2021 |StartUs Insights - 04/16/2021

SpaceAble was ranked by StartUs Insights among the top 20 space startups in 2021.

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Arianespace - SpaceAble Press Release - 04/12/2021

SpaceAble is committted to the reliability and sustainability of Low Earth Orbit.

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